Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Meeting for New Members

Dreamcatchers!! We almost have a confirmation on a room for the meeting this week. It will more than likely be room 606, near the library. (english/spanish building) Tuesday morning. However, please check back here if something comes up and we have to change it! Thank you!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

meeting has been moved!

Hey guys! Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are 

going to have to move the meeting to next week 

due to ASB events happening at school, like the 

rally and conflictions with other meetings. We 

were unable to get a room for the meeting. I will let 

you know asap the day next week, room number, 

and time. Thank you! Please spread the word ((:

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Steps to becoming a DC member

The Steps to Become a Dreamteam Member:
1.   Show up to the first meeting (If you have a sports conflict please contact Sophia Busacca or Isabella Busacca by emailing at or )
2.      There are only 15 spots available for the next training session, which will be held in November. We apologize for all those that do have a sports conflict.  It will be held on a Saturday for 4 hours in the morning.  It will educate you on your commitment to the hospice and what a hospice does specifically.  Our volunteer coordinator at Hoffmann Hospice is going to have another one for us this spring if you cannot make the fall training. 
3.     The main hospice requirements:
·       You must get a TB test after the training. You have a week to get it after training before they drop you as a volunteer.  The test is painless and the hospice covers the expenses.  You just need to drive to the building downtown where they test you.
·       They need your social security number for liability issues.  Please talk to your parents about this; they will not accept you as a volunteer without this.
·       Be willing to attend the different activities and volunteer hours.  You are required to volunteer at the hospice with us once a month.  We typically work Friday after school from 3:40 to 5:00.
·       You need to be comfortable with seeing hospital devices.  There will be oxygen tanks, tubes, and other devices to keep the patient comfortable.  If you have trouble with seeing certain medical devices, this is probably not fit for you.
·       You need to purchase a shirt and a sweat shirt; it will be around $40.00 and black or khaki pants.
·         We have a certain dress code that we have to follow when we go to the hospice- no blue jeans (We are allowed to wear khaki and black jeans), no shorts, and close toed shoes.  These rules mainly apply when you visit a patient.  Because everyone in the club is considered a minor, you will not visit a patient without a trained adult.  You will never go alone.
4.     You have to sign a conduct contract as well with Hoffmann. 
·       We don’t expect to have trouble with anyone, but please remember this club revolves around people who are at the end of their life.  You need to be able to speak politely, no pictures, no social media postings.  The training will go more into this.
5.     You need to be able to speak in front of people. Our group is just one of many across the Dreamcatchers. We do a lot of public speaking for groups. As well, it is a good skill for talking to our patients. For more information on how this club started go to:
6.     There is a lot of steps to get on the team, but they are a lot of fun and being in the club will give you amazing life experiences. Like we said earlier, the training has limited spots.  If we cannot squeeze you in this training, please know that we will try our best to get you into the next one (:
7.     Check out our blog!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Club Day Info

Hey guys! Club day was a huge success, we had about 100 people sign up for Dreamcatchers at Liberty! We are going to need to get together to divide the numbers up.  As well, we are going to need to call a meeting for the new members next week.  I am thinking Tuesday, 4th Lunch in Koulos and 5th Lunch in Dr, Singhs.

As well here is the task list for the current dream:
1. Call Universal Studios
2. Call Best Western, Shearton, and try to get a room donated for a night next week
3. Food gift cards
4. make cards for the son and caretaker

All new members will be required to:
1. Give their social security to Hoffmann
2. Get a TB test a week after training, if they do not get this the Hospice will not allow for them to be a volunteer unfortunately, and it is on a time scale, so they would have to do it right after training. It is free and provided by the hospice
3. Need to volunteer a Friday a month at Hoffmann
4. attend all meetings and most importantly be there for our first meeting so they can officially be signed up (:
5. be motivated!

Thank you (:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dream time

Hey Dreamteam!

We have a new Dream for a young woman who wants to go to Universal Studios with her son and caretaker! Start thinking of ideas please. I will post on our new Facebook group and on here for dates!! I will also send out a text (:

LHS Dreamcatchers

Monday, September 3, 2012

Volunteer at Hoffmann

Dreamcatchers at Liberty,
Hoffmann Hospice needs our help on Friday afternoons after school! Please contact Isabella if you are available to help from 3:45 to 5:00! You will need to wear the shirts and please wear your khaki or black pants, do not wear shorts or blue jeans.  You need to follow dresscode! 

As well, there will be another training for all those who are interested.  The next training will be after the Fall sports season.  Updates on the training will be coming up.  Listen to the announcements at school and check back here for more information, or email Sophia Busacca, at

Thank you!